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Institute of advanced energy

The Institute of Advanced Energy is dedicated to research and development in the field of energy science and technology, with a strong emphasis on zero-emission energies. Its primary objectives include exploring and advancing innovative energy sources, ranging from renewable energy to fusion energy, while also developing efficient energy utilization systems. One of its significant endeavors involves bidirectional research in fusion energy, carried out in partnership with the National Institute for Fusion Science (NIFS). As a Joint Usage/Research Center for Zero-Emission Energy Research, the institute actively encourages collaborative research within the energy science community.

The institute is structured into three divisions: the Advanced Energy Generation Division, the Advanced Energy Conversion Division, and the Advanced Energy Utilization Division. Additionally, it includes a research center called the Laboratory for Complex Energy Processes, which facilitates inter-division research collaborations. Furthermore, the distinguished faculty of the institute also serves as teaching staff in the Graduate School of Energy Science, contributing to the education and training of future energy scientists and professionals.

Kathleen Jones
Kathleen Jones
Articles: 43

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