Test facility for thermal energy storage in molten salt inaugurated in germany

The German Aerospace Center (DLR) operates a unique test facility in Cologne called the Test Facility for Thermal Energy Storage in Molten Salt (TESIS). This facility circulates 100 tons of molten salt at temperatures ranging from 250 to 560 degrees Celsius, allowing scientists and industrial partners to test molten salt storage systems and components. Thermal storage systems are crucial for efficient and cost-effective temporary energy storage, especially for renewable electricity in power plant technology and high-energy industrial processes. The TESIS test facility aims to develop cost-efficient thermal storage concepts, potentially reducing the cost of molten salt storage by up to 40 percent. Molten salt storage is widely used in solar power plants for round-the-clock electricity production, and it holds promise for future energy storage facilities that convert power to heat and vice versa. Industrial partners can utilize the TESIS facility to test their concepts and components and bring them to market readiness with the support of the research community.