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School kids assemble a parabolic solar thermal cooker with only a screwdriver

Parabolic Solar Thermal Cooker ( Solar Thermal Magazine ) Solar cooking is becoming very popular is many parts of the world. As natural gas and electricity prices rise so does the price of cooking or barbecue. There are some commercial solar cookers that you can buy that are ready to be assembled at home with very little mechanical knowledge or tools required. Or if you want to save even more money you can make one yourself using aluminum foil and an old umbrella or satellite dish to give you the required curvature to obtain a small focal point for fast heating of things.

Here is a video with audio in English showing how to assemble a parabolic solar cooker from a kit. The parts cost about 400 Euro unless you use aluminum foil in which case it is very cheap to build.

Enjoy the video and the joy of solar cooking.

Keith Smith
Keith Smith

Keith, a seasoned professional in the solar industry, has dedicated over 30 years to the research and development of solar technologies. Born in the early 1970s, Keith's fascination with solar energy began early in life. He completed his bachelor's degree in physics and pursued a master's in renewable energy engineering, laying the foundation for his career in the field.

Keith's expertise shines through his role as the manager of, where he curates and disseminates valuable insights and updates on solar technology trends. His work in bridging the gap between solar research and practical application has been instrumental in advancing the renewable energy sector. With a passion for sustainability and a commitment to a greener future, Keith Smith continues to make a significant impact on the solar industry, one article at a time.

Articles: 49

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