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New Renewable Fuel Technology

Renewable Fuel Technology . – DES PLAINES, Illinois. 2014 – ( Solar Thermal Magazine ). – UOP LLC, a Honeywell (NYSE: HON) company, announced today that its UOP/Eni Ecofining™ process technology is powering the largest commercial advanced biofuel facility in the U.S., capable of producing more than 130 million gallons of renewable diesel per year.

The Diamond Green Diesel facility in Norco, La., converts inedible oils and other waste feedstocks to produce high-quality renewable diesel, also known as Honeywell Green Diesel™. Unlike biodiesel, renewable diesel produced using the UOP process is chemically identical to petroleum-based diesel and can be used as a drop-in replacement in vehicles with no modifications. Renewable diesel produced using the Ecofining process also features up to an 80 percent lifecycle reduction in greenhouse gas emissions compared with diesel from petroleum.

The facility, a joint venture of Darling International Inc. and Diamond Alternative Energy, LLC, a subsidiary of Valero Energy, achieved all of its performance and quality targets.

“Commercial production at the Diamond Green Diesel facility is a significant milestone for the renewable energy industry,” said Veronica May, vice president and general manager for Honeywell’s UOP Renewable Energy and Chemicals business unit.

UOP has leveraged 100 years of refining technology to make real alternative fuels, including Honeywell Green Diesel and Honeywell Green Jet Fuel™, from a range of inedible biofeedstocks.

John Roach, senior vice president at Valero, said “Both the performance of the Ecofining unit and the quality of the diesel produced has exceeded our expectations.”

Randall C. Stuewe, chairman and CEO at Darling, said, “The availability of sustainable feedstocks is a key driver for the continued growth of renewable fuels. One of the benefits of the Ecofining process is that the technology is capable of processing a variety of feedstocks collected and manufactured by Darling to produce high-quality Green Diesel.”

Fuel produced at the facility is designed to meet the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Renewable Fuel Standard, which requires a minimum volume of transportation fuels sold in the U.S. to contain renewable fuel to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The Diamond Green Diesel facility will produce more than 200 million ethanol-equivalent-gallons per year of biomass-based diesel as defined under the Renewable Fuel Standard.

UOP and Eni SpA jointly developed the Ecofining process, which uses hydroprocessing technology to convert non-edible natural oils and animal fats to Honeywell Green Diesel. The fuel offers improved performance over biodiesel and petroleum-based diesel, including a high cetane value of 80 compared with a cetane range of 40 to 60 found in diesel at the pump today. Cetane value is the measure of the combustion quality of diesel. Higher cetane values help diesel engines operate more effectively. Diesel with high cetane can be blended with low-cetane diesel to help meet transportation requirements. Honeywell Green Diesel also offers high energy density and excellent performance at cold or warm temperatures.

In addition to Ecofining technology, the company has commercialized the UOP Renewable Jet Fuel Process, which was originally developed under a contract with the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) to produce renewable jet fuel for the U.S. military. Honeywell Green Jet Fuel produced by this process technology can be blended seamlessly with petroleum-based fuel. When used in up to a 50 percent blend with petroleum-based jet fuel, Honeywell Green Jet Fuel requires no changes to aircraft technology and meets all critical specifications for flight.

UOP is also a partner with Ensyn Corp. in Envergent Technologies LLC, which offers RTP® rapid thermal processing technology and equipment for the production of renewable heat, power and transportation fuels. Learn more about UOP renewable energy technologies

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