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Solar Industry Calls on Senate to Include Bipartisan Solar Provisions in Energy Bill

WASHINGTON, DC – Rhone Resch, president and CEO of the Solar Energy Industries Association, released the following statement recently calling on the U.S. Senate to include solar provisions that enjoy bipartisan support in the pending energy bill:

“We applaud the Senate for bringing legislation to the floor to address the tragedy in the Gulf of Mexico. This catastrophe has been a stark reminder that the U.S. must end its dangerous dependence on fossil fuels, and soon. While the Senate has struggled with partisan politics all year, there are several key solar provisions that enjoy bipartisan support that should be a part of the final legislation. These include extension of the Treasury Grant Program, renewable energy manufacturing incentives, and reform and restoration of funding for the Department of Energy Loan Guarantee Program.

“If enacted, these policies will result in hundreds of thousands of new jobs, accelerated deployment of solar energy in all 50 states, and will help the U.S. rebuild its manufacturing base and remain competitive in this rapidly growing global industry.

“The solar energy industry urges swift passage of this energy bill – including bipartisan solar provisions – before the Senate breaks for the August recess.”

ST Staff Writers
ST Staff Writers
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