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Solar Thermal and Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Technology Hybrid Announced – OASIIS

GSolar Thermal and Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Technology Hybrid Announced - OASIISreenFix Energy today announces the culmination of years of research and work into the development of the OASIIS technology invented and patent filed by Richard Henderson. Richard Henderson worked over a decade perfecting a technology that utilizes current solar thermal and OTEC technology in a whole new way. Once built, this 1 to 3 Square Kilometer system will be capable of supplementing and eventually replacing fossil fuels such as coal and maybe even replace the need for nuclear in some areas. In addition, the OASIIS system produces large quantities of agricultural, potable-water able to make unlivable land masses suddenly livable.

“I knew we had something extraordinary and now we needed to build a company capable of building the system and creating sales in the hundreds of millions”

CTO and Inventor, Richard Henderson, had a brilliant career in engineering positions before he developed the critical technology behind OASIIS. “It took me thinking outside of the box to solve why some really great technologies like OTEC and Solar Thermal weren’t working with the efficiency they could. The solution was to resourcefully combine them,” he proudly reported. The result was proven technologies combined to finally produce the numbers needed to make industry experts’ heads turn. Richard aided with the help of top engineers and colleagues, developed the technology for launching into a full company.

 Richard then sought out investment banker and entrepreneur specialist Brad Listermann to lead the company. “I knew we had something extraordinary and now we needed to build a company capable of building the system and creating sales in the hundreds of millions,” said Mr. Listermann. Brad formerly founded one of the first online investment banks “NetStreet Financial” where he raised and managed tens of millions of dollars for new technology and start up companies. Brad often consulted with companies or ran the company when needed. His track record included taking many companies public and a high success rate in the communication technologies’ like Starcom Wireless, Inc. Mr. Listermann put together a team of top professionals that included JPL scientists, PhD Chemical Engineers and experienced legal and marketing leaders capable of positioning the company into a fast launch.  

“We thank everyone who supported development of our unique renewable energy program. Unlike any other form of renewable energy, solar-thermal energy has proven its potential for energy independence,” said Brad Listermann.

Mr. Listermann has been in negotiations with top lobbyist firms in DC for Federal monies as well as several Broker Dealers interested in funding millions of dollars towards the company.

Our biggest competitor is CSEM’s Solar Island. It cost 1 billion to make and up till now, has been the big star on the Green Technology stage with sales into the billions. Comparatively, the GreenFix system can generate 70% of the efficiency of CSEM’s at a building cost of only two-hundred million dollars. In addition, OASIIS creates distilled water as a bi-product worth countless millions on its own.

“Once the news gets out that there is a new star in solar and renewable energy, it could be just a matter of time before the company becomes a huge success,” concluded Mr. Listermann, CEO of GreenFix Energy, Inc.

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Solar Thermal and Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Technology Hybrid Announced - OASIIS Solar Thermal and Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Technology Hybrid Announced - OASIIS
Solar Thermal and Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Technology Hybrid Announced - OASIIS Solar Thermal and Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Technology Hybrid Announced - OASIIS
Solar Thermal and Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Technology Hybrid Announced - OASIIS Solar Thermal and Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Technology Hybrid Announced - OASIIS
Solar Thermal and Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Technology Hybrid Announced - OASIIS Solar Thermal and Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Technology Hybrid Announced - OASIIS

Solar Thermal and Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Technology Hybrid Announced - OASIIS

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