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Research, Testing, Validation and Demonstration Facility for the Solar Energy Industry – SolarTAC

Research, Testing, Validation and Demonstration Facility for the Solar Energy Industry - SolarTACThe Solar Technology Acceleration Center (SolarTAC) is an integrated, world-class test facility where the solar industry can research, test, validate, and demonstrate solar technologies. SolarTAC’s mission is to increase the efficiency of solar energy products and rapidly deploy them to the commercial market. Located near Denver International Airport in Aurora, Colorado, the 74-acre SolarTAC site offers flat, graded topography and excellent insolation conditions with over 300 days of sunshine a year in one of the most progressive renewable energy states in the country.

The SolarTAC site will include facilities for testing both photovoltaic and concentrated solar power (CSP) technologies, including access to the grid.

SolarTAC originated when six public and private sector entities — Abengoa Solar, the City of Aurora, the Colorado Renewable Energy Collaboratory, Midwest Research Institute (MRI), SunEdison, and Xcel Energy — joined forces to build a site where member companies can bring their early commercial or near-commercial stage solar technologies for testing and demonstration under actual field conditions.

It was forecast that by the end of this 2009, nearly $1.8 million of infrastructure work would be completed by MRI, SolarTAC’s management and operating contractor, to prepare the site for member companies to move-in equipment and construct member-specific facilities. The work includes grading, drainage and soil erosion control, access roads, electric power supply and distribution, fire protection, sewer and water lines, communications lines, fencing and security.

NREL membership in SolarTAC will allow the national laboratory to better engage with industry to solve challenges in increasing the amount of solar electricity produced in the U.S. Among other projects, NREL will install a $2 million pilot-scale advanced thermal energy storage test and evaluation facility at SolarTAC to help improve heat storage technologies that can offset variability.

Bryan Hannegan, Vice President of Environment and Renewable Generation at EPRI said;

“The collaborative aspects of SolarTAC make it a natural fit for EPRI, where one of EPRI’s roles is to build industry collaboratives to support R&D. Commercial renewable energy technologies, such as advanced solar PV and concentrating solar power with storage, are expected to make significant contributions to the world’s energy supply in coming decades, and the work at SolarTAC will help make that possible.”

At this stage in the site development, Abengoa Solar and SunEdison are ready to begin installation of equipment and facilities for testing and evaluation of advanced solar technologies.

SunEdison’s initial deployments at SolarTAC will include a proprietary, low cost, recycled, ballasted ground mount system designed for installation on a variety of ground conditions. The array will include examples of all major photovoltaic (PV) module technologies, including: standard and high efficiency crystalline silicon, amorphous silicon (a-Si), cadmium telluride (CdTe), copper indium diselenide (CIS) and both low and high concentration PV systems. The initial array will also be used for expanded testing of distributed direct current power management and advanced inverter technologies that offer the potential to significantly increase energy yield. The arrays will be monitored using the SunEdison Energy and Environmental Data System (SEEDS). SolarTAC will serve as an important beta test site for SEEDS as new capabilities are added.In the future, SunEdison plans to gradually increase the number and variety of module technologies deployed on the site and will leverage SolarTAC to validate new mounting systems, installation methods, and electrical configurations to minimize cost and maximize energy harvest. SolarTAC will provide an invaluable test-bed to study forecasting, variability, energy storage, and reactive power control along with other methods and technologies to ensure safe and reliable interconnection of high penetration levels of PV on the grid.Research, Testing, Validation and Demonstration Facility for the Solar Energy Industry - SolarTACThe Abengoa Solar Facility at SolarTAC will be used for testing, validating, and demonstrating advanced and emerging concentrating solar power (CSP) technologies, including outdoor studies and readiness deployment of prototype systems. “We look forward to the progress we will be able to achieve in advancing our technologies at the SolarTAC site,” said Hank Price, vice president of Technology Development. “The site will be a long-term experimental test-bed for Abengoa Solar’s R&D technology and it will provide an environment to collaborate with universities, national laboratories, and other solar researchers.”

Abengoa Solar currently plans to install an operational scale CSP collector loop and associated assembly building at the site to test and validate new designs of its technologies. At today’s event, Abengoa Solar displayed several modules of the Astro, one of its established concentrating solar collector designs.

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