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A Career in the Solar Energy Industry Begins with a Quality Education

A Career in the Solar Energy Industry Begins with a Quality Education

A Career in the Solar Energy Industry – ( Solar Thermal Magazine)

Here is an introduction to the Master’s programs in Solar Energy Engineering at Dalarna University (DU) in Sweden. Solar Energy research at this University a long time before it was fashionable in fact it began 30 years ago and Master’s programs (taught in English) have been offered since 1999 under the name “European Solar Engineering School” (ESES).

The University offers both a one year program in solar energy engineering and a 2 year masters level program that prepares the student for a career in the global solar industry.

A Career in the Solar Energy Industry Begins with a Quality Education

Solar engineering degree programs in Sweden

Students and faculty come from all over the world for this program which helps students when they graduate with the contacts needed to find the career opportunity that they are looking for , where they are looking for it.

A Career in the Solar Energy Industry Begins with a Quality Education

Making a career in solar energy starts with a quality education

About Dalarna University

Dalarna University is one of Sweden’s more recent institutions of higher education, established in 1977. It is situated in Dalarna, 200 kilometres north-west of Stockholm.

A Career in the Solar Energy Industry Begins with a Quality Education About Gordon Smith
Gordon’s expertise in the area of industrial energy efficiency and alternative energy. He is an experienced electrical engineer with a Masters degree in Alternative Energy technology. He is the co-founder of several renewable energy media sites including Solar Thermal Magazine.

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