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California Schools Integrating Intelligent Energy Storage Solutions and Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

Electric Vehicle Charging Stations ( Solar Thermal Magazine)

Green Charge Networks today announced that Mountain View-Los Altos Union High School District (Santa Clara County), Oak Park Unified School District (Ventura County), Butte Community College (Butte County), Peralta Community College District (Alameda County) and California State University, Fullerton (Orange County) have contracted with Green Charge Networks under a Power Efficiency Agreement SM (PEA).

The installation of over 1,500 kWhs of intelligent energy storage capacity will be used to reduce the ongoing costs of demand charges on their electricity bill. These schools and colleges can expect to save up to 50 percent off their demand charges. As an added benefit, Green Charge has coupled electric vehicle charging stations with each of these systems to mitigate increased demand charges while promoting the use of electric vehicles with students, faculty, and staff.

By installing Green Charge’s intelligent lithium ion-based battery storage solutions, these California schools are at the cutting edge of transforming the way the U.S. produces, distributes, stores, and uses energy. Aiming for net-zero carbon emissions, schools in California are integrating intelligent energy storage solutions and electric vehicle charging stations while reducing their energy bill.

“California is home to more than 100,000 electric vehicles drivers. As the EV market continues to expand, the work of schools to provide more charging options for employees, students and visitors is an important part of our community’s growth toward cleaner transportation solutions,” said Jason Anderson, president and CEO of Cleantech San Diego, a nonprofit trade organization that includes more than 100 local businesses, universities, governments, and nonprofits working to advance sustainable solutions.

Energy storage is a critical complement of EV charging as it allows schools and businesses to control their energy use and reduce demand charges.

Coupling intelligent energy storage with EV charging stations, schools in California and across the U.S. will not only reduce their monthly electricity bills and help enhance the resiliency of the power grid, but they’ll reduce greenhouse gas emissions, help improve the environment, and save money in the process. With no upfront cost, the Mountain View-Los Altos High School District expects to reduce the demand charges on average of $43,000 per school year by installing the GreenStation solution and EV charging stations at two high schools. Across these schools, the projected cumulative energy savings is over $1 million dollars over the contract term.

“We’re excited to work with California schools to adopt intelligent energy storage solutions,” said Vic Shao, CEO and founder at Green Charge Networks.

They are at the forefront of utilizing the latest energy innovations to create a healthier, brighter future for students, their families, and the community.

About Green Charge Networks

Founded in 2009, Green Charge Networks is a leader in intelligent customer-sited energy storage. The company gives commercial and industrial businesses, municipalities, and schools control of rising demand rates on their monthly electric bills. Green Charge’s award-winning products and services complement solar PV, electric vehicle charging, and energy efficiency. The GreenStation was developed in partnership with leading utilities and Fortune 500 customers from coast to coast. Green Charge is headquartered in Santa Clara, CA with offices in New York City.

For more information, visit www.GreenCharge.Net.

California Schools Integrating Intelligent Energy Storage Solutions and Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Tags: Electric Vehicle Charging Stations, energy storage

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