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Solar Energy in India Moves Forward with an Additional 3 Gigawatts of Solar PV

Solar Energy in India Moves Forward with an Additional 3 Gigawatts of Solar PV Solar energy in India

Solar energy in India ( Solar Thermal Magazine)

India has access to tremendous solar resources that properly harnessed could power their economy potentially for ever. This month they released that latest stage of their solar energy plans with a bidding guideline for an additional 3000 MWatts or 3 Gigawatts of solar pv spread over 25 solar parks.

The National Solar Mission (NSM) launched in January 2010 is a major initiative of the Government of India (GoI) with active participation from States to promote utilization of solar energy to supplement the country’s energy needs. It aims at establishing India as a global leader in solar energy, by creating the policy conditions for its diffusion across the country as quickly as


The Mission had set a goal, amongst others, for deployment of 20,000 MW grid connected solar power capacity by 2022 in 3 phases (1000 MW in first phase up to 2012-13 -,

9000 MW in second phase from 2013 to 2017 and 10,000 MW in third phase from 2017 to 2022).

GoI is working on substantially scaling up these targets through consultations with the various

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