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Does India Have Renewable Energy in It's Future?

Does India Have Renewable Energy in It's Future? Should they go down the road of previously developing nations utilizing coal and oil reserves or should the pursue nuclear energy.

Renewable Energy in India ( Solar Thermal Magazine)

India is still considered to be a developing nation with much of it’s full economic potential still in front of it. In order to plan this growth the country must decide on how it will fuel it. Should they go down the road of previously developing nations utilizing coal and oil reserves or should the pursue nuclear energy. 

For India the opportunity exists to create a sustainable energy infrastructure complete with fulfilling jobs and careers for their people. This last future only comes from a commitment to renewable energy.

Does India Have Renewable Energy in It's Future?

The situation today in India.

Today coal accounts for approximately 57% of India’s total energy consumption and is responsible for 67% of India’s increased carbon emissions.

But renewable energy alternatives are growing rapidly throughout the country. Solar technology, wind power and other natural resources sources have been utilised to produce electricity, bringing power to those who would otherwise be without.

Does India Have Renewable Energy in It's Future? Does India Have Renewable Energy in It's Future? Does India Have Renewable Energy in It's Future?

This video from the team at Greenpeace tells the story in the best way.

Find out more:…

Does India Have Renewable Energy in It's Future? About Gordon Smith
Gordon’s expertise in the area of industrial energy efficiency and alternative energy. He is an experienced electrical engineer with a Masters degree in Alternative Energy technology. He is the co-founder of several renewable energy media sites including Solar Thermal Magazine.

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