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Solar Power Business Texas

Solar Power Business  – AUSTIN, Texas, June 24, 2014 ( Solar Thermal Magazine )- With growing demand for affordable electric power, the Texas Solar Power Association (TSPA) was announced today with the mission to advance the development of solar electric generation in Texas. The organization is comprised of businesses operating in Texas that are focused on retail and wholesale electric market opportunities.

The founding board members of TSPA are E.ONFirst SolarRecurrent Energy and SunPower Corporation, all of which have operations in Texas. Charter TSPA membership includes manufacturers, large-scale power plant developers, residential and commercial rooftop integrators, and other companies in Texas participating across the full solar photovoltaic supply chain.

“Solar now offers unprecedented affordability using proven, market-ready technologies,” said Charlie Hemmeline, TSPA executive director.

Developing our state’s abundant solar resource will diversify our electricity supply base, increase economic development, reduce water use, and provide long-term price stability for Texas. It just makes sense.

Solar installations vary in size from a few kilowatts on a rooftop to solar power plants generating hundreds of megawatts.

“With solar power, we can put our hot Texas sun to work. Peak solar generation is correlated with peak energy demand in Texas, making it an ideal choice to cost-effectively meet our energy needs,” said Josh Grubaugh, TSPA president.

The investment Texas has made in expanded transmission and ERCOT’s experience integrating diverse resources on the grid make the state ideal for large-scale solar development, and rooftop solar for homes and businesses offers the freedom to self-generate.

Pat Wood III, former Chairman of the Public Utility Commission of Texas, added, “Solar is one of the most exciting generation sources on the market, and Texas ought to be a bigger part of this exceptional growth. The most important thing Texas can do is support continued market innovation and eliminate barriers to entry for solar power.”

For more information please contact Charlie Hemmeline at [email protected].

About TSPA
The Texas Solar Power Association is a statewide industry trade association that promotes the development of solar electric generation in Texas. Our member companies invest in the development of solar photovoltaic products and projects in Texas, serving customers in both wholesale and retail markets. Additional details are available at:

SOURCE Texas Solar Power Association

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