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Solar Man Launches Solar Wonderland Funding Campaign for Energy Amusement Park

Dr. Joe Hui, CEO and Founder of Monarch Power Corp, also known as Solar Man, and Monarch Power are launching an IndieGoGo campaign today  to market his Lotus solar panels and to raise funds to build Solar Wonderland. Monarch Power also plans to build a gigawatt per year panel factory as part of Solar Wonderland.

Solar Wonderland is an Energy Amusement Park where students can learn about the science of energy through fun rides, 3D video, and hands-on experimentation. Solar Wonderland will be part of Odyssey of the Desert in Phoenix, Arizona, an entertainment complex housing also the Butterfly Wonderland and OdySea Aquarium. Dr. Hui, also Professor Emeritus at Arizona State University, will work with the principals of the Odyssey of the Desert to make studying physics and promoting renewable energy exciting.

“Our students need to go on rides to learn the forces of nature. Simply classroom teaching won’t do it. I am creating fun rides such as ‘Maglev Back to the Future,’ ‘Dr. Frankenstein in the Tesla Tower,’ ‘Gravity,’ ‘Alice in the Optics Wonderland,’ and ‘The Heat is On’ to teach our kids about the forces of magnetism, electricity, gravity, as well as the physics of light and heat,” says Professor Hui, who believes in the use of multimedia and games to help students appreciate science.

“Please contribute to the ‘Help Solar Man Build Solar Wonderland’ IndieGoGo Campaign. Together, we will bring back solar panel manufacturing jobs to Arizona, help power your homes and businesses with solar innovation, and empower our students with a love of science and sustainable living.”

Monarch Power, a renewable energy company based in Scottsdale, Arizona, has a lightweight carbon fiber-based solar panel that provides not only electricity but also hot water. The panels can be mounted as an awning to provide shade, or like a lotus flower on a pole which tracks the sun when it shines and folds when a storm comes.

“These Lotus solar panel systems work independently of your power company. You can add battery storage so home users can have electricity when disaster strikes,” says Dr. Hui. “Home users can install the Lotus Awning themselves or with the help of qualified electricians and plumbers. These small systems cost in the low thousands, and with generous federal and state subsidy, they pay for themselves in 3 years. After that, all electricity and hot water generated is free!”

Here is the link to his IndieGoGo campaign: (

About Monarch Power Corp: Based in the iconic SkySong Innovation Center in Scottsdale, Arizona, Monarch Power, through its founder Joe Hui, focuses on helping people live a comfortable yet sustainable life through innovation.

Solar Man Launches Solar Wonderland Funding Campaign for Energy Amusement Park Tags: Dr Joe Hui, Energy Amusement Park, Monarch Power Corp, Solar Wonderland

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