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Yingli Solar to Supply 3 MWs of PV Modules to Distributed Generation Demonstration Project in Hubei Province, China

Yingli Solar to Supply 3 MWs of PV Modules to Distributed Generation Demonstration Project in Hubei Province, China

Yingli Green Energy Holding Company Limited, the largest vertically integrated photovoltaic (“PV”) module manufacturer in the world, known as “Yingli Solar,” today announced that it will supply 3 MWs of PV modules to a demonstration project for distributed generation (“DG”) in Wuhan, the capital of Hubei province in eastern China.

The PV modules will be installed at the Wuhan Dongxihu Bonded Logistics Center, a large-scale distribution and import-export facility located in the city’s bonded logistics zone. The project will consist of approximately 12,000 multicyrstalline Yingli Solar modules, which will be mounted on the rooftops of four separate warehouses, covering a total of 39,000 square meters. The project is expected to generate 39 million kilowatt-hours of clean energy per annum.

Construction of the project will begin in September 2014, and is expected to be completed within 5 months. Once operational, 80% of the electricity generated by the project will be used by the logistics center, and the remaining 20% will be delivered to the municipal utility grid.

“We are pleased to provide our solar modules to this important demonstration project in Hubei province,” said Mr. Liansheng Miao, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Yingli Green Energy. “Institutions throughout Hubei province’s bonded logistic zone have transitioned to sustainable, low-carbon energy generation in recent years, and we are honored to once again supply an innovative PV project in this region.”

About Yingli Green Energy

Yingli Green Energy Holding Company Limited (NYSE: YGE), known as “Yingli Solar,” is the world’s largest photovoltaic module manufacturer in terms of production capacity and shipments. Yingli Green Energy’s manufacturing covers the photovoltaic value chain from ingot casting and wafering through solar cell production and module assembly. Headquartered in Baoding, China, Yingli Green Energy has more than 20 regional subsidiaries and branch offices and has distributed more than 10,000 MW PV modules to customers worldwide.

Yingli Solar to Supply 3 MWs of PV Modules to Distributed Generation Demonstration Project in Hubei Province, China Tags: Asia, china, Yingli Solar

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