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Energy Equals Jobs – Pennsylvania Earmarks $10 million to Renewable Energy Projects

“This funding is an opportunity for companies, municipalities, schools and organizations to deploy alternative energy projects or construct new facilities related to alternative fuels,” Corbett said.

Such projects further our goal to develop a diverse and robust energy sector here in Pennsylvania, in a manner that protects our environment and uses our resources smartly and efficiently

Those eligible to apply include non-profit corporations; Pennsylvania schools, colleges and universities; any Pennsylvania municipality, and public or private corporations, partnerships, limited liability companies, associations and other legal business entities.

Grant or loan funds will be awarded on a competitive basis.  PEDA anticipates awarding approximately $10 million specifically for alternative and renewable energy projects, deploying technologies such as solar energy, wind, hydropower and biomass.

Funding is also available for clean alternative fuels, alternative energy manufacturing and alternative energy research.

Funded activities must be conducted entirely in Pennsylvania and be in compliance with applicable laws.

Applications are due by 4 p.m. on August 15th and must be submitted online using the state’s eGrants system –  Grants will be awarded in the fall.

Potential applicants are encouraged to participate in a related webinar, scheduled for June 24 from 2-3 p.m. PEDA is an independent public financing authority created in 1982 by the Pennsylvania Energy Development Authority and Emergency Powers Act, revitalized through an April 2004 Executive Order. The authority’s mission is to finance clean, advanced energy projects in Pennsylvania.

To register for the webinar, complete the online grant application or learn more about PEDA, visit, keyword: Pennsylvania Energy Development Authority.

ST Staff Writers
ST Staff Writers
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