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Solar thermal magazine Hastings Project for Hydrokinetic Clean Power

Solar thermal magazine Hastings Project for Hydrokinetic Clean Power

Hydrokinetic Clean Power

In 2009, Hydro Green Energy installed the nation’s first commercial, federally-licensed hydrokinetic power project. Hydrokinetic power is the generation of electricity by harnassing the flow of moving water without the need for a dam. The project, located in Hastings, MN downstream from United States Army Corps of Engineers Lock & Dam No. 2 on the Mississippi River, operated until 2012, when it was officially retired due to HGE’s new focus on building low-impact conventional hydropower projects in the United States and Latin America.

While HGE has turned its focus to conventional hydropower, the Hastings Project set new milestones in American renewable energy developement and was important to HGE for a variety of reasons. Below you will find highlights of the Hastings Project.

Project Summa

  • Located at USACE Lock & Dam No. 2 in Hastings, MN
  • Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) approved project by 5-0 vote in December 2008
  • First hydrokinetic power project to connect to the U.S. power grid and sell power
  • 99.6% fish survival rating
  • Entire system designed and manufactured by HGE in the U.S.A.
  • Installed and operated modular, vertically stackable system for approximately three years
  • 100 kW nameplate capacity
  • Surface-suspended turbine with generating equipment “in the dry”

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