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Energy Storage for the Power Grid

Energy Storage for the Power Grid

Researchers at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory have just released a video about their  iron vanadium redox flow battery as a solution to large-scale energy storage for the power grid.  Up until now, the real-world deployment of redox flow batteries has been limited by their inability to work well in a wide range of temperatures and their relatively high cost.  

But the researchers at PNNL have developed two novel approaches to redox flow batteries that overcome these barriers and offer superior performance and cost advantages unlike any existing system.

The first approach is a new mixed-acid electrolyte with 70% higher energy density and a broader operating temperature range than current all-vanadium redox flow batteries.

The second approach, which is featured in the video, is the low-cost iron-vanadium redox flow battery, with higher energy density and greater temperature stability without the hydrogen gas evolution issues (flammability) that currently plague the Fe-Cr flow battery. 

This technology provides the energy industry and the nation with a reliable, stable, safe, and low-cost storage alternative for a cleaner, efficient energy future.

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We prepared this post from a press release so no individual author did enough original work to take credit for it’s content.

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