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Energy Efficient Lighting – U.S. Parking Facilities Cut Energy Use by 90 Percent

Energy Efficient Lighting in government.

WASHINGTON – As part of the Energy Department’s commitment to helping U.S. businesses save money by saving energy, the Department’s Better Buildings Alliance is supporting the Lighting Energy Efficiency in Parking (LEEP) Campaign. To date, more than 100 U.S. businesses and organizations are participating in the campaign and planning or installing energy efficient lighting in their parking lots and garages. In the past year, these organizations have committed to install efficient lighting across more than 270 million square feet of parking space – cutting energy use by up to 90 percent.

Assistant Secretary for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy David Danielson remarked;

By making parking lots and garages more energy efficient, our partners in the Lighting Energy Efficiency in Parking Campaign are saving energy, improving their bottom lines and serving as models for other organizations to increase the use of energy efficiency in their communities.

Building owners spend more than $6 billion to light their parking lots and garages, and much of this could be saved if parking lots and garages were upgraded to the most efficient lighting solutions. LEEP Campaign participants have upgraded their facilities to high efficiency metal halide, fluorescent, and LED solutions that last three times longer than their previous technology and by using controls are able to reduce energy use when parking facilities are not in use. Through the LEEP Campaign, the Energy Department’s Better Buildings Alliance, the Building Owners and Managers Association, the Green Parking Council and the International Facility Management Association are working together to help owners of parking lots and garages upgrade to energy efficient lighting.

Today, the Energy Department joined LEEP Campaign co-organizers to recognize 12 organizations for leading the way in efficient lighting. Combined, these 12 winners are saving nearly 45 million kilowatt-hours and $4 million per year by upgrading to high efficiency lighting in 500,000 parking spaces nationwide.

Since 2009, the Energy Department’s Better Buildings Alliance has provided technical assistance to help building and parking facility owners and managers install energy efficient lighting. Find more information on the Energy Department’s broader efforts to save money by saving energy at U.S. parking facilities and a full list of the organizations recognized today.

Photo source: GE energy efficient lighting

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