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Solar Energy Development

Solar Energy Development

Solar Energy Development ( Solar Thermal Magazine ) – Toronto, Canada.

Jan 7, 2013 – PM&E, Inc. (PMEA) the leading developer of industrial and consumer solar power applications commented on the significant advantages of its flagship products compared to the conventional competition. The Company believes that its innovative, patented solar panels will be producing up to 4 times more electricity and will cost about 10 times less to manufacture, than the comparable current flat photovoltaic panels used in existing and new solar power generation plants, such as the recently announced one (Telegraph, Jan3, 2012), which will be receiving a $2.5bn (£1.5bn) investment from Warren Buffett.

The products of the company geared for a variety of consumer and industrial applications in the near future may become the next generation global industry-standard of the solar power generation.

“We are extremely excited to see the rapid increase in investor interest in solar power. When such a conservative and careful investment powerhouse like Berkshire Hathaway is making their third huge investment in solar energy in less than a year, it validates the choice of our business strategy and sets the example, which may be followed by many individual investors globally!” stated Jack Merck, president of PM&E. Inc. Mr. Merck continued:

It has been reported that MidAmerican Energy Holdings, a subsidiary of Mr Buffett”s Berkshire Hathaway investment company, has struck a deal with SunPower to acquire and build two projects in California”s Antelope Valley, valued whapping $2.5Bn. Even though it”s a great sign for our industry, it appears that Buffet”s company at this stage may still use less efficient flat panels that generate at least 4 times less energy per hour when compared to the proprietary system under development by our Company.

With that in mind we will make our best effort to make our technology market-ready in the shortest possible time, offering multiple potential customers the reliability of conventional flat photovoltaic panels with the great efficiency of our patented concentrated system. Utilizing our application on this scale, company like MidAmerican may increase their productivity by at least 400%, and at the same time may significantly save on their development and manufacturing costs because our system is projected to be 10-12 times cheaper than flat panel applications used by MidAmerican and other industry analogs.

The strategy of our Company is to complete the testing of our prototypes, prepare both the consumer and the industrial versions of our solar panels for production and commence work with the manufacturers and distributors world-wide developing licensing, territorial distribution and other related deals. With investors like Warren Buffet who is known for his strategic vision, making huge forays into solar energy generation, it is likely that the customer base for our technology may exponentially grow in the nearest future providing us a firm foundation for significant revenue-generation on a world-wide scale,

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