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RISING ABOVE: SEA LEVELS AND GLOBAL WARMINGThe impact of rising sea levels caused by planetary warming will be the focus of a panel discussion featuring leading international experts tonight at The Australian National University.

The Research School of Earth Sciences (RSES) Sea Level Forum will feature three international speakers who will provide a unique scientific perspective on what kind of sea level rises we should expect, and the likely damage that might cause.

“Global temperatures are rising, which will cause polar ice sheets to melt and sea levels to rise,†said Dr Michael Ellwood of RSES, who will chair the panel discussion.

“Imagine an ice cube in a glass of water: as you hold the glass the temperature of that water will rise which will increase the rate at which the ice cube melts. Globally temperatures are rising so the time to discuss sea level rise is now.â€

Dr Ellwood said that to date most discussion has focused on temperature increases since the 1880s. This seminar will focus on sea level rise associated with changes in planetary warming.

“During the last warm period 125,000 years ago the sea level was four to five metres higher than it is today, so that gives us a pretty good idea of what the earth system is capable of. A sea level rise of this magnitude is not what we want to pass on to our kids,†said Dr Ellwood.

The panelists at the event are:

РEdouard Bard (The Coll̬ge de France & CEREGE Univ. Aix-Marseille, France)

– Paul Tregoning (Research School of Earth Sciences, ANU)

– Eelco J. Rohling (School of Ocean and Earth Science, University of Southampton, National Oceanography Centre, UK)

What:       Sea Level Rise Forum

When:      5.30pm – 7pm, Tuesday 24 July 2012

Where:     The Finkel Lecture Theatre, The John Curtin School of Medical Research, Garran Road

Katharine Pierce

Media Officer

Communications and External Liaison Office Office of the Vice-Chancellor The Australian National University

T: 02 6125 7988                     

F: 02 6125 8255

M: 0416 249 221

Source ANU

RISING ABOVE: SEA LEVELS AND GLOBAL WARMING Tags: global temperatures, international speakers

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