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New Report Says Clean Energy Announcements in 1st Quarter Could Lead to 46,000 Jobs in U.S.

New Report Says Clean Energy Announcements in 1st Quarter Could Lead to 46,000 Jobs in U.S.Clean energy employers announced plans involving at least 137 projects in 42 states during the first quarter of this year, according to an analysis released by environmental advocacy group Environmental Entrepreneurs (E2).

Together, the projects could create as many as 46,000 new American jobs – reinforcing numerous other studies recently that show the clean energy industry is alive, well and poised for continued growth.

The report, “What Clean Energy Jobs? These Clean Energy Jobs!” is the latest since E2 began tracking clean energy job announcements in September 2011. E2 is a nationwide network of business leaders who advocate for good environmental policy while building economic prosperity. It is an affiliate of the Natural Resources Defense Council.

The E2 report comes as Congress and some state legislatures are debating whether to cancel a wide range of clean energy incentives and programs – something that could be disastrous to continued job growth, according to Judith Albert, E2′s executive director.

“These numbers show us that our nation’s investments in clean energy are paying off,” Albert said.

“With badly needed jobs announcements coming from almost every state in the first quarter, now is certainly not the time for Congress and state governments to derail this key part of our economic recovery.”

According to the E2 report:

  • Power generation companies announced the most clean energy jobs in the first quarter. Wind, solar, biomass, geothermal and other renewable energy sectors announced 68 projects that together would create more than 18,000 jobs.
  • Manufacturing companies making everything from electric vehicles to solar panels and wind turbine parts announced 35 projects in the quarter that would create more than 10,000 jobs.
  • Many of the first-quarter job announcements were connected to federal, state or local projects, ranging from building and home efficiency programs in Chicago and Wisconsin to a county-backed solar farm in Florida.
  • Clean energy job announcements have no political or regional boundaries. A total of 70 announcements were in Republican congressional districts; 54 were in Democratic districts and 13 spanned more than one congressional district.
  • Connecticut led all states in terms of total clean energy jobs announced in the quarter. Other big states include Illinois, Indiana, North Carolina and Texas.

The E2 report is based on job announcements compiled from formal announcements and media reports. They include projects and programs in various stages of development mainly in the manufacturing, energy, biofuels and public transportation sectors.

SOURCE Environmental Entrepreneurs, Washington, D.C.

New Report Says Clean Energy Announcements in 1st Quarter Could Lead to 46,000 Jobs in U.S. Tags: clean energy incentives, clean energy industry, clean energy jobs, economic prosperity, economic recovery, efficiency programs, electric vehicles, energy job, energy sectors, environmental entrepreneurs, generation companies, job announcements, manufacturing companies, natural resources defense, natural resources defense council, state legislatures, wind turbine

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