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Concentrated Solar Power Systems Manufacturer Expands in Nevada

Concentrated Solar Power Systems Manufacturer Expands in NevadaAmonix, Inc., a leading designer and manufacturer of concentrated photovoltaic (CPV) solar power systems, has announced that it has signed a lease for a new 214,000 square foot manufacturing facility on North Pecos Road in North Las Vegas, Nevada that will bring 278 green private sector clean energy jobs to Southern Nevada. The company intends to hire local residents to fill the management, technical and productions jobs. The manufacturing facility will be up and running by the end of 2010.

In May, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid presided over a ceremony to “flip the switch” on an Amonix CPV solar plant at the Southern Nevada Water Authority’s (SNWA) River Mountains Water Treatment Facility. In his remarks, Senator Reid applauded Amomix for taking advantage of a tax credit in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act to “put nearly 300 Nevadans to work.”

“Amonix, welcome to your new home,” said Mayor Shari L. Buck of the City of North Las Vegas. “I’d like to thank all of our leaders in Congress who made the Recovery Act a reality. This plant, made possible through public-private cooperation, will make a real difference to our community and families.”

Said Senator Harry Reid, “Amonix offers the perfect example of how the Recovery Act is helping Nevada businesses and the clean energy industry expand and thrive. Nearly 300 Nevadans will find work in this developing industry that is diversifying our state’s economy so that we don’t fall victim to another economic downturn. I am pleased that Amonix has signed a lease and will be putting Nevadans to work this year.”

Said Congresswoman Shelley Berkley, “The future of renewable energy manufacturing is happening right here, right now in North Las Vegas. The Amonix commitment to Nevada will help propel ongoing efforts to make the Silver State a world leader in solar production while also creating local jobs and promoting economic growth.”

Amonix solar power systems have been installed at three locations in Nevada, including at the SNWA River Mountains Water Treatment Facility, on the campus of UNLV and at Nevada Energy’s Clark Generation Station. The company will use its new North Las Vegas facility to manufacture solar power systems for additional installations in Nevada and for export to neighboring states. In addition, the new manufacturing facility will be powered by an Amonix 7700 System as part of its electrical power source.

Said Brian Robertson, CEO of Amonix, “Our CPV solar systems are ideal for sunny and dry climates like Nevada. This plant puts additional capacity in close proximity to where many of our systems will be installed.”

When at full capacity, the manufacturing plant will operate 24 hours per day, seven days per week, turning out solar equipment with a production capacity of 150MWs annually, the equivalent, according to Robertson, of NV Energy’s stake in the recently cancelled coal plant at the Mohave Generating Station.

About Amonix
Amonix is the recognized leader in designing and manufacturing concentrated photovoltaic (CPV) solar power systems that require no water in power production, use land better, and produce more energy per acre than any other solar technology. With the longest track record of real-world CPV deployments in the industry, Amonix is proven to be the best choice for solar power systems in sunny and dry climates. Amonix is headquartered with a manufacturing facility in Seal Beach, California. For more information, visit

Concentrated Solar Power Systems Manufacturer Expands in Nevada Tags: amonix inc, California, clean energy, clean energy jobs, company, concentrated, concentrated solar, concentrated solar power, concentrated solar power systems, congresswoman shelley berkley, CSP, economic downturn, information, installation, Management, navada jobs, navada solar, nevada water authority, north las vegas, north las vegas nevada, oncentrated solar, photovoltaic, public private cooperation, reinvestment act, renewable, renewable energy, river mountains, senate majority leader harry reid, senator harry reid, snwa, solar energy plant, solar energy systems, solar equipment, solar jobs, solar manufacturing plant, solar plant, solar power, solar system, solar systems, solar technology, southern nevada water authority, water treatment facility

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