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New Hybrid Hot Water Heater could save Homeowners More than the Price of the Equipment

LOUISVILLE, Ky.–With a special $1,200 rebate for The City of Tallahassee Utilities customers valid through Sept. 30, 2010, and a Federal tax credit of up to $480 through Dec. 31, 2010, homeowners could end up saving more than the estimated retail price of $1,599* for a new GeoSpring™ Hybrid Water Heater. Its hybrid technology cuts energy usage up to 62 percent without sacrificing a single drop of hot water. Twice the technology. Half the bill.

Rebates and incentives make the GeoSpring a win-win investment

Through Sept. 30, 2010, the combined value of The City of Tallahassee Utilities rebate and other incentives is greater than what you pay for the GeoSpring itself.

Even more ways to save

Many Americans don’t think twice about upgrading their primary television set every couple of years. But what about the old family refrigerator — how many of us stop to consider the refrigerator and whether it should be replaced? According to the U.S. Department of Energy, we should. The DOE has found that a home refrigerator typically uses five times as much energy as the average television uses, based on national averages. [2]

Reducing the amount of energy a typical family uses by running older appliances is the rationale behind a federally funded Cash for Appliances program, which is designed to encourage consumers to upgrade from energy-hogging appliances to ones that are energy efficient. The Department of Energy estimates that a home’s appliances account for about 20 percent of the monthly energy bill. If the appliances are older and low-efficiency, then the cost of running them can really add up

New Hybrid Hot Water Heater could save Homeowners More than the Price of the Equipment Tags: American, Cell, City, city of tallahassee utilities, cuts energy, Dec, department, department of energy, DOE, efficiency, energy, energy bill, energy estimates, energy usage, epa, Federal, federal tax credit, federal tax credits, GeoSpring, Heater, home refrigerator, hot water, Hybrid, hybrid technology, incentives, Ky., LOUISVILLE, louisville ky, national averages, rationale, Residential Solar, Solar Investment, Tallahassee, Technology, technology cuts, typical family, u s department, Utilities, utility, utility customer, value, water heater

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