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Hybrid Energy plans for Solar Thermal Energy & PV Consumer Applications

Hybrid Energy plans for Solar Thermal Energy & PV Consumer ApplicationsHybrid Energy Holdings, Inc. recently reported the signing of a formal Development and Distribution Agreement wherein KS IP Holdings, LLC (KS-IPH) acquired exclusive development and distribution rights for specific consumer applications of the Photovoltaic (PV) and Solar Thermal technology Intellectual Properties (IP) previously acquired by HYBE.

The Company believes PV and Solar Thermal Market, particularly for residential and commercial use, is a high growth sector that promises to become a significant and vital energy option primed for strong sales growth of the company’s holdings and technologies. The worldwide market for Organic Photovoltaic (OPV) and Dye-Sensitive Cell (DSC)-based photovoltaics are expected to grow to $1 Billion with the next five years; and the Solar Thermal market anticipates 46% annual growth rates over the next decade.

The five year agreement calls for the payment to the Company of a minimum of $25 million over the first five year term, in a combination of fees and royalties. The parties will be announcing the first group of these product development projects upon completion of the patent protection and market analysis. Failure to meet royalty payment minimums or sales targets provide HYBE with termination options and license revocation terms.

The Development and Distribution Agreement represents the first of a series of income producing Joint Development Agreements flowing from the company’s new technology acquisitions and operations. These acquisitions were part of the Company’s foundation building Phase I of the Company’s strategic plan that called for traditional and proven fuel production acquisitions to build the Company’s revenue and asset base. Based on the strength of its asset base and growing revenue stream, the Company recently launched Phase II of its growth strategy and began its transition to alternative and renewable energy and technology revenue models.

The company’s New Energy Initiative calls for the aggressive investment in, and acquisition and development of nascent ‘New Energy’ technologies, Intellectual Property assets , and operations in the Clean Energy, Energy Smart Technologies and Carbon Capture & Storage sectors of the Energy Sector.

The Company has successfully established a strong and growing asset based of clean energy producing assets with strong recurring profits and cash-flows. The company has recently announced important clean and renewable energy assets as part of its transition to a sustainable and renewable energy revenue model. The company is assessing the acquisition of several new assets, operations and technologies and encourages further technology submittals and developmental joint ventures through the Merger & Acquisition portal at

About Hybrid Energy Holdings

Hybrid Energy Holdings (HEH) acquires and operates profitable energy companies with strong historical cash-flow and sustainable profitability. The Company acquires sector-specific technology and assets as part of its Phase II Clean Energy Initiative. HEH’s prior foundation building acquisitions focused primarily on traditional and proven fuel production has transitioned its growth strategy to adding the latest in energy conservation, reclamation, and power co-generation technologies. HEH may acquire nascent energy technology or rights as portfolio enhancing assets. HEH’s primary business strategy is the acquisition of diverse, profitable energy related assets that provide synergistic profits and revenue enhancements across all portfolio companies.

Hybrid Energy plans for Solar Thermal Energy & PV Consumer Applications Tags: alternative, asset base, carbon, Cell, clean, clean energy, company, conservation, consumer applications, distribution, energy holdings, energy initiative, energy option, fuel, fuel production, intellectual properties, license revocation, nation, new energy, next five years, patent protection, photovoltaic, Photovoltaics, product development projects, renewable energy, residential, Residential Solar, royalty payment, sales targets, solar, solar thermal, solar thermal technology, storage, success, Technology, technology acquisitions, termination options, transition, vital energy

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