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Solar Tracking Systems are key to Lowering the Cost of Solar Thermal and PV Systems

Solar Tracking Systems are key to Lowering the Cost of Solar Thermal and PV SystemsPrecision tracking for maximum capture of solar energy

There is a significant advantage with both solar PV and solar thermal systems to positioning the solar panel such that it is always receiving the maximum amount of solar energy. Ensuring that the incidence rays of the sun are always 90 degrees to the surface of the panel results in much higher average energy conversion for any solar power system. Industry and home owners alike will benefit from the introduction of an economical, reliable solar tracking system. Yokogawa Electric Corporation has announced such a system with the introduction of the HXS10 controller. This new product controls the actuation systems that move heliostats (solar energy reflectors) and photovoltaic panels. The HXS10 helps maximize power generating efficiency by controlling the angles of heliostats and solar panels so they stay pointed at the sun as it moves across the sky.

Renewable energy is seen as an alternative to the world’s dwindling supply of fossil fuels and as a means of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. One of the driving forces for solar thermal and photovoltaic power generation systems in recent years has been their ability to generate electricity during the daytime hours, when demand is at its highest.

In a solar thermal power generation system, sunlight is concentrated onto a receiver that uses the heat to turn water into steam, which rotates a turbine and generates electricity. By controlling the angle of the heliostat so it tracks the movement of the sun, it is possible to precisely focus the sunlight onto the receiver. For solar photovoltaic power generation systems, though most solar panels used today are of the fixed type, power generating efficiency can be improved if panels are kept directed at an optimal angle towards the sun. Control technologies that can precisely orient the heliostats and panels to follow the movement of the sun are crucial.

By utilizing its reliable control technologies, Yokogawa has developed the HXS10 to control the actuation systems of solar thermal and photovoltaic power generation systems. Based on the facility location, date, and time, the HXS10 calculates the position of the sun through a high-resolution (64-bit) solar position algorithm, and operates motors or hydraulic actuators to adjust the angle of the heliostats and solar panels so they stay pointed toward the sun.

Product Features
1. Low-cost / high-value design

The HXS10 is designed specifically for the control of solar tracking systems. Compared to general-purpose controllers such as PLCs, this controller has lower initial costs and requires less engineering time.

2. Excellent environmental resistance

The HXS10 is built of environmentally resistant and durable components and can withstand temperatures ranging from -20 degrees C to +70 degrees C. This product is optimal for the control of solar power generating facilities installed in deserts and other harsh locations.

3. Communication functions

The HXS10 has a communication function that allows it to be monitored by a host system in a central control room. Moreover, to eliminate communication traffic overload and create a more secure and stable communication environment, each HXS10′s communications can be routed to the host system via another HXS10 unit.

Main Target Markets

Heavy machinery companies that manufacture solar thermal and photovoltaic power systems


Control of solar tracking actuation systems

About Yokogawa

Yokogawa’s global network of 25 manufacturing facilities and 80 companies spans 54 countries. Since its founding in 1915, the US$3 billion company has been engaged in cutting-edge research and innovation, securing more than 7,200 patents and registrations, including the world’s first digital sensors for flow and pressure measurement. Industrial automation and control, test and measurement, information systems and industry support are the core businesses of Yokogawa. For more information about Yokogawa, please visit their web site at

Solar Tracking Systems are key to Lowering the Cost of Solar Thermal and PV Systems Tags: ‘Solar power system”, actuation systems, alternative, automation, Electric, energy conversion, engineering, environment, Greenhouse, heliostat, nm, olar energy, orient, photovoltaic panel, photovoltaic panels, photovoltaic power generation, power generation system, power generation systems, rays of the sun, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, Reflector, reliable control, renewable, solar, solar energy, solar panel, solar photovoltaic power, solar power, solar pv, solar thermal, solar thermal power, solar thermal systems, solar tracking system, Sun, sun control, thermal system, US

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