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First Test of the Solar Airplane that will fly around the world.

First Test of the Solar Airplane that will fly around the world.

First Test of the Solar Airplane that will fly around the world. ( Solar Thermal Magazine)

The Solar Impulse is getting ready for the First Round-The-World Solar Flight. It takes a lot of hard work and investments to get a solar only airplane ready to circumnavigate the globe. This is only the beginning of the testing and the team strives to ensure readiness of this leading edge solar plane.

The aircraft got out of its hangar so that the engineers could make some ground tests, test the motors, brakes and flaps as well as many other necessary components to a successful flight.

Enjoy the dream.

First Test of the Solar Airplane that will fly around the world. About Gordon Smith
Gordon’s expertise in the area of industrial energy efficiency and alternative energy. He is an experienced electrical engineer with a Masters degree in Alternative Energy technology. He is the co-founder of several renewable energy media sites including Solar Thermal Magazine.

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First Test of the Solar Airplane that will fly around the world. Tags: Abu Dhabi, Solar Airplane, solar impulse

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