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First Commercial Scale Solar Project in East Africa Brings Power for the First Time

First Commercial Scale Solar Project in East Africa Brings Power for the First Time gigawatt global solar energy in rwanda africa

Commercial Scale Solar Project in East Africa ( Solar Thermal Magazine)

There are approximately 600 million people in Africa, that have no access whatsoever to electricity of any kind let alone emission free solar power. This project in the youth village of Agahozo-Shalom in Rwanda changed all that for more than 15,000 households.

This was one of the first commercial scale solar projects in East Africa and upon completion increased the small countries generation capacity by 6 % all by itself.

Here are the specifics of the project and a video from Gigawatt Global.

– 12 month project

– 350 local jobs created for the duration of the project construction

– 8.5 megawatt of electricity generation capacity

– 28,360 solar panels

The overall goal of Gigawatt Global for Africa is to install 1000 Megawatts of solar power by 2020. There is a link on the video if you want to contribute to this worthy cause.

First Commercial Scale Solar Project in East Africa Brings Power for the First Time About Gordon Smith
Gordon’s expertise in the area of industrial energy efficiency and alternative energy. He is an experienced electrical engineer with a Masters degree in Alternative Energy technology. He is the co-founder of several renewable energy media sites including Solar Thermal Magazine.

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First Commercial Scale Solar Project in East Africa Brings Power for the First Time Tags: Africa, rwanda

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