Creating Fresh Water and Clean Energy by Combining Two Technologies
These combined technologies will be capable of performing far more efficiently than existing technologies
Fresh Water and Clean Energy ( Solar Thermal Magazine)
STW Resources Holding Corp announced today that its wholly owned subsidiary, STW Water, has executed a Teaming Agreement with Thermal Energy Partners LLC (TEP).
In the agreement TEP and STW will combine their respective technologies to provide a reliable package of sustainable water & renewable power to municipalities and industrial customers. Delivering water & power together effectively with zero impact to the environment is a welcome relief to those that see water scarcity along with lack of reliable electricity as a large problem in the United States today.
When severe weather events disrupt water services and cause power outages it can take weeks for critical facilities to get up and running again. No other electricity network on earth provides as much power to as many people as reliably and affordably as the U.S. power grid however maintaining an effective grid for critical infrastructure is a highly complex undertaking. As energy security is key to the United States critical infrastructure, the need for a geographically available, clean, base-load replacement to coal to supply industrial plants and municipalities with reliable power and lessen the vulnerability to the grid is in high demand.
TEP has an innovative 24/7/365 onsite geothermal model that can keep facilities running even when the U.S. power grid or primary natural gas power plants may not stay online. TEP’s geothermal facilities are hardened to withstand severe weather events, are configured with micro-grid technology for maximum resiliency against cyber attacks, and configured with security safeguards to limit disruption. This particular geothermal power method is cost effective and a great compliment to other existing power sources that industrial and municipal facilities may be using currently.
Among the noted advantages STW, through its Salttech Water Processing DyVaR technology, will leverage TEP’s technology to streamline technical processes and system workflow and lower electricity costs of operating the STW DyVaR systems, thus resulting in lower cost fresh water. TEP will utilize STW’s technology to enhance the system’s strengths and minimize cost.
Together TEP/STW have the following competitive advantages:
- Producing Onsite Fresh Water for Industrial, Agricultural and Municipal applications
- Producing Onsite Renewable Power for Industrial, Agricultural and Municipal applications
- Producing potential Mineral by-products onsite that can be sold to Industrial users
- Multiple Sources of Water are compatible with the TEP/STW System: The integrated system can process water from multiple sources including industrial wastewater, high-TDS brackish and high TDS saltwater reverse osmosis concentrate reject, seawater or geothermal water. These combined technologies will be capable of performing far more efficiently than existing technologies such as (Reverse Osmosis or Evaporation Distillation).
STW Resources Holding Corp CEO Stanley Weiner added,
This is one of many projects that STW Water is currently doing and this also follows our model to have a minimum or no negative impact on the environment while helping preserve our precious fresh water resources. I can’t think of a better combination…a completely sustainable supply of fresh water and reliable electricity even during catastrophic events like hurricanes, floods, and severe drought. Utilizing our joint technologies in the areas where ocean reverse osmosis desalination is being utilized, there will be NO need to discharge environmentally harmful concentrated reject streams from the reverse osmosis operations into the oceans. This is also a very nice resource to have available for the Texas Gulf Coast as we have tremendous amounts of geothermal energy available and a shortage of extra electricity and fresh water for the large influx of industrial companies wanting to start up operations in Texas.
STW Water President Alan Murphy stated,
This is a project that will be easy to construct and operate. With the drought wreaking havoc on our fresh water resources, this is a major step in utilizing technology to provide additional fresh water to our ecosystem. We have major deposits of geothermal energy reserves in the United States and many other countries.” Thermal Energy Partners President Dan Pfeffer added, “Delivering water & power successfully together is an accomplishment all on its own however making it truly sustainable while still renewable and reliable is going to a whole new level that any environmental or risk manager would appreciate.
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Tags: geothermal energy, renewable power, STW, Thermal Energy Partners