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Solar thermal magazine DTE Energy Selects 84 New SolarCurrents Projects

Solar thermal magazine DTE Energy Selects 84 New SolarCurrents Projects

DTE Energy (NYSE: DTE) selected 84 new solar energy projects for inclusion in Phase 2 of DTE’s SolarCurrents customer-owned pilot program.

Phase 2 of the SolarCurrents pilot program offered an additional 2 megawatts (MW) of solar photovoltaic projects for interested customers, above the original 5 MW included in Phase 1.

A total of 74 residential projects, representing 616 kilowatts (kW) and ranging in size from 1 to 20 kW, will be offered incentives as part of Phase 2. These projects will be built in 10 counties in Southeastern Michigan.

An additional 10 non-residential projects, representing 157 kW, will be built in six counties in Southeastern Michigan. These projects range in size from 5 to 20 kW. All applications for non-residential projects were accepted into the program.

An additional 46 residential projects, representing 357 kW were selected for a back-up queue. DTE’s previous experience with the program has shown that many of the projects in the back-up queue will be invited into the program because of project dropouts. The back-up queue also assures that DTE Energy will meet the 2 MW capacity target for Phase 2 of the program. DTE Energy expects all 84 of the newly selected projects to be completed by September 2015.

This final group of solar projects will bring the SolarCurrents customer-owned pilot program to a total of 846 projects, representing 7 MW, from both program phases.

Solar thermal magazine DTE Energy Selects 84 New SolarCurrents Projects

Tags: DTE Energy, Michigan, u.s.

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