Solar thermal magazine Asia-Pacific Renewable Energy Policy Handbook 2014
Asia-Pacific Renewable Energy Policy Handbook 2014
“Asia-Pacific Renewable Energy Policy Handbook 2014″ is the latest policy report from GlobalData, the industry analysis specialists that offer comprehensive information on major policies governing renewable energy market in the region.
The report presents an in-depth analysis of the renewable energy policies across the major countries in Asia-Pacific namelyAustralia, China, India, Japan, South Korea, Thailand, New Zealand, Vietnam and Taiwan. The report provides the current and future renewable energy targets and plans along with the present policy framework, giving a fair idea of overall growth potential of their renewable energy industry. The report also provides major technology specific policies and incentives provided in each of these countries. The report also provides insights to major policy initiatives for the market development of renewable energy sources such as wind, solar, geothermal, biopower and biofuels.
The report is built using data and information sourced from industry associations, government websites and statutory bodies. The information is also sourced through other secondary research sources such as industry and trade magazines.
– The report covers policy measures and incentives used by the major countries in Asia-Pacific to promote renewable energy. – The report details promotional measures in different countries both for the overall renewable energy industry and for specific renewable energy technologies namely solar, wind, geothermal, hydro and bioenergy.
– The report also highlights the differences and focus of the renewable energy policy frameworks in different countries in Asia-Pacific.
– The report provides a platform for comparison of various renewable energy policies across countries. Major countries includeAustralia, China, India, Japan, South Korea, Thailand, New Zealand, Vietnam and Taiwan.
Reasons to buy
– Develop business strategies with the help of specific insights about policy decisions being taken on renewable energy by different markets. – Identify opportunities and challenges in exploiting the renewable energy markets. – Compare the level of support provided to different renewable energy technologies in different countries. – Increase future revenue and profitability with the help of insights on the future opportunities and critical success factors in the renewable energy market. 2 Introduction 11 2.1 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Global, Overview 11 2.2 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Global, Major Policy Measures 12 2.3 Comparison of Major Policy Instruments by Country 14 2.4 GlobalData Report Guidance 18
3 Renewable Energy Regulatory Framework, Australia 19
3.1 Renewable Energy Regulatory Framework, Australia, Overview 19
3.2 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Australia, Federal Policies and Incentives 21
3.3 Financial Incentives and Policy Support for Solar Power, Australia, Federal Incentives 32
3.4 Financial Incentives and Policy Support for Wind, Australia, Federal Incentives 35
3.5 Financial Incentives and Policy Support for Geothermal, Australia, Federal Incentives 36
3.6 Financial Incentives and Policy Support for Bioenergy, Australia, Federal Incentives 37
3.7 Financial Incentives and Policy Support for Energy Efficiency, Australia, Federal Incentives 40
3.8 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Australia, State Level Policies and Incentives 42
4 Renewable Energy Regulatory Framework, Japan 48
4.1 Renewable Energy Regulatory Framework, Japan, Overview 48
4.2 Renewable Energy Regulatory Framework, Japan, Major Policies 50
4.3 Financial Incentives and Policy Support for Solar Power, Japan 58
4.4 Financial Incentives and Policy Support for Wind, Japan 61
4.5 Financial Incentives and Policy Support for Geothermal, Japan 62
4.6 Financial Incentives and Policy Support for Hydro, Japan 63
4.7 Financial Incentives and Policy Support for Bioenergy, Japan 64
4.8 Financial Incentives and Policy Support for Energy Efficiency, Japan 65
5 Renewable Energy Regulatory Framework, India 67
5.1 Renewable Energy Regulatory Framework, India, Overview 67
5.2 Renewable Energy Regulatory Framework, India, Major Policies 69
5.3 Financial Incentives and Policy Support for Solar, India 79
5.4 Financial Incentives and Policy Support for Wind, India 93
5.5 Financial Incentives and Policy Support for Bioenergy, India 100
5.6 Financial Incentives and Policy Support for Hydropower, India 107
5.7 Financial Incentives and Policy Support for Energy Efficiency, India 109
6 Renewable Energy Regulatory Framework, South Korea 112
6.1 Renewable Energy Regulatory Framework, South Korea, Overview 112
6.2 Renewable Energy Regulatory Framework, South Korea, Major Policies 113
7 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Vietnam 123
7.1 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Vietnam, Overview 123
7.2 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Vietnam, Major Policies 124
8 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Taiwan 126
8.1 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Taiwan, Overview 126
8.2 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Taiwan, Major Policies 127
9 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Thailand 131
9.1 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Thailand, Overview 131
9.2 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Thailand, Major Policies 132
10 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, New Zealand 141
10.1 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, New Zealand, Overview 141
10.2 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, New Zealand, Major Policies 141
10.3 Financial Incentives and Policy Support for Solar Power, New Zealand 148
10.4 Financial Incentives and Policy Support for Wind, New Zealand 149
10.5 Financial Incentives and Policy Support for Bioenergy, New Zealand 150
11 Renewable Energy Regulatory Framework, China 151
11.1 Renewable Energy Regulatory Framework, China, Overview 151
11.2 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, China, Major Policies and Incentives 153
11.3 Financial Incentives and Policy Support for Solar Power, China 163
11.4 Financial Incentives and Policy Support for Wind, China 170
11.5 Financial Incentives and Policy Support for Hydro, China 177
11.6 Financial Incentives and Policy Support for Bioenergy, China 178
11.7 Financial Incentives and Policy Support for Energy Efficiency, China 179 12 Appendix 181 12.1 Abbreviations 181 12.2 Sources 185 12.3 Methodology 189
12.4 Disclaimer 190
1.1 List of Tables
Table 1: Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Global, Renewable Energy Policy Instruments by Country, 2013 22
Table 2: Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Global, Feed-in Tariff for Promoting Renewables by Country, 2013 24 Table 3: Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Global, Targets for Addition of Various Renewable Energy Technology by Country, 2013 25
Table 4: Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme, Australia, Solar Credits, 2009-2013 33
Table 5: New Large-scale Renewable Energy Target, Annual Targets, Australia (TWh), 2014-2030 35
Table 6: Renewable Power Policy Framework, Australia, Major Policy Instruments Supporting the Industry, 2003-2015 46
Table 7: Renewable Power Market, Japan, Renewable Contribution to Electricity Generation under Japan Renewable Energy Policy Platform (%), 2050 62
Table 8: Renewable Power Market, India, Renewable Portfolio Standards Specified by State Electricity Regulatory Commissions (%), 2010-2013 80
Table 9: Renewable Power Market, India, Renewable Energy Certificate Trading, Volume and Price, Indian Energy Exchange, 2013-2014 85
Table 10: Renewable Power Market, India, Foreign Direct Investment ($m), 2009-2012 86
Table 11: Solar Power Market, India, JNNSM, Phase Wise Targets, 2010-2022 89
Table 12: Solar Power Market, India, JNNSM Mission Targets, Funding Requirements (INR billion), 2010-2022 90
Table 13: Solar Power Market, India, Projects with Existing PPA with NVVN, Phase I, Batch I and Batch II 92 Table 14: State Feed-in Tariff Details for Solar Power Plants by Technology, 2012 94
Table 15: Solar Power Market, India, Central Financial Assistance for Off-grid Projects, 2013 95
Table 16: Solar Power Market, India, Central Financial Assistance for Off-grid Projects in Urban Areas 96
Table 17: Solar Power Market, India, Solar Cities Program, State List of 48 Cities with ‘In-Principle’ Approval, 2011 99
Table 18: Custom Duty for Wind Equipment and Components (%), India, 2013 103
Table 19: Wind Power Market, India, Guidelines for Projects Financed through IREDA 105 Table 20: State Feed-in Tariff Details for Wind Power Plants, 2012 107
Table 21: Central Financial Assistance for Biomass Power Project and Bagasse Co-generation Projects by Sugar Mill Type,India 109
Table 22: Central Financial Assistance for Bagasse Co-generation Project in Existing Cooperative Sector Sugar Mills Employing Boiler Modifications, India 110
Table 23: Capital Subsidy for Biomass Gasifiers Projects, India 110
Table 24: Renewable Energy Market, India, Financial Support for Biofuel 113 Table 25: State Feed-in Tariff Details for Bioenergy-based Power Plants by Technology, 2013 114
Table 26: Financial Support for Hydropower, India, Support for Private Sector, Joint Sector and Cooperative Society 115
Table 27: Financial Support for Hydropower, India, Support to Private Sector, Joint Sector and Cooperative Society 116
Table 28: Financial Support for Hydropower, India, Support to Government/State/Public Sector for Renovation and Modernization 116 Table 29: State Feed-in Tariff Details for Small Hydropower Plants, 2012 117
Table 30:Solar Photovoltaic Feed-in Tariff, South Korea(KRW/kWh), 2010-2011 126
Table 31:Feed-in Tariff for Wind, South Korea (KRW/kWh), 2009-2011 127
Table 32:Feed-in Tariff for Mini-hydro, South Korea (KRW/kWh), 2010 127
Table 33:Renewable Portfolio Standards, South Korea, Targets (%), 2012-2020 128
Table 34: National Science and Technology Program – Energy, Taiwan, Budget Allocation (TWDm), 2009-2013 137
Table 35: Alternative Energy Development Plan, Thailand, Comparison of Old REDP and New AEDP, 2012 141
Table 36: Adder Feed-in Premiums, Thailand, Premium for Renewable Energy Technologies, 2013 145
Table 37: Feed-in Tariff for Rooftop Solar Installations, Thailand, 2013 148
Table 38: Feed-in Tariff for Community Ground-mounted Solar Installations, Thailand, 2013 148
Table 39: Major Renewable Energy Law Implementation Timelines, China, 2013 162
Table 40: Renewable Energy Law, China, Major Regulations, 2005-2006 165
Table 41: Renewable Energy Targets, China, 2015-2020 166
Table 42: Wind Power Market, China, List of Major Policies, 2013 179
Table 43: Abbreviations 189
1.2 List of Figures
Figure 1: Renewable Power Market, Australia, Impact on Applicable Renewable Power Sources, 2013 28
Figure 2: Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme, Process Diagram, Australia, 2014 32
Figure 3: Large-scale Renewable Energy Target, Process Diagram, Australia, 2013 34
Figure 4: New Large-scale Renewable Energy Target, Annual Targets, Australia (TWh), 2012-2030 35
Figure 5: Solar Photovoltaic Power Market, Australia, Annual Capacity Additions(MW), 2001-2012 41
Figure 6: Renewable Power Market, Japan, Impact Analysis of Policies, 2000-2012 57
Figure 7: Renewable Power Market, Japan, Policy Impact on Applicable Renewable Power Sources, 2013 58
Figure 8: Renewable Power Market, Japan, Renewable Contribution to Electricity Generation under Japan Renewable Energy Policy Platform (%), 2050 62
Figure 9: Solar PV Power Market, Japan, Annual Capacity Addition (GW), 2001-2013 68
Figure 10: Renewable Power Policy, India, Policy Impact on Applicable Renewable Power Sources, 2013 77
Figure 11: Renewable Power Market, India, Renewable Energy Certificate Trading Volume, 2013-2014 84
Figure 12: Solar Photovoltaic Power Policy, India, Annual Capacity Addition (MW), 2001-2013 87
Figure 13: Solar Power Market, India, Projects with Existing PPA with NVVN, Phase I, Batch I and Batch II 91
Figure 14: Wind Power Policy, India, Annual Capacity Addition (MW), 2001-2012 102
Figure 15: Renewable Power Market, South Korea, Policy Impact on Applicable Renewable Power Sources 121
Figure 16: Renewable Power Market, China, Policy Impact on Applicable Renewable Power Sources, 2013 161
Figure 17: Solar PV Power Policy, China, Annual Capacity Addition (GW), 2001-2013 172
Figure 18: Wind Power Market, China, Annual Capacity Addition (GW), 2001-2013 182
To order this report: Asia-Pacific Renewable Energy Policy Handbook 2014
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