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Hemp As A Bio-Fuel Is One Step Closer To Reality

Hemp As A Bio-Fuel

Discovery Minerals LTD. (OTC PINK: DSCR)  (PINKSHEETS: DSCR) is pleased to provide shareholders with further information regarding the Joint Venture (JV) with Syngar Technologies.

A research study concluded that Syngar’s PLUSWave technology increased ethanol production by an overall average of 26%.  The PLUSWave technology optimized the conversion of cellulose to sugars and enhanced ethanol yield.  The proposed pilot project will utilize Cellunol Inc.’s proprietary technology to reduce costs and speed the pre-treatment of cellulose materials to form a slurry suitable for fermentation into ethanol.

With the worldwide increase in demand for oil, concern over the environmental impact of the use of fossil fuels and the challenge of sourcing a sustainable crop to provide the cellulose needed for Bio-Fuel fermentation, hemp may very well be part of the solution.

Corn based ethanol is the Bio-Fuel most favored by current United States government subsidies for renewable fuels. Hemp is an improvement over corn-based ethanol on several counts: higher soil conservation, nearly non-existent herbicide & pesticide requirements, higher yields, and greater suitability for cellulosic ethanol production, as opposed to either grains or corn. When compared to other plant species of active interest in Bio-Fuel production, hemp derives 100% more cellulose than species under active investigation.  Production costs for corn-based ethanol is nearly twice that of estimated production costs for hemp derived ethanol.  Hemp and its related species provide denser cellulose content than corn, higher sugar content, and derives higher ethanol yields per metric ton at lower costs.

Hemp is found to be a superior cultivar for Bio-Fuel production.  Hemp exhibits far superior ethanol yields per unit biomass compared to corn.  Pretreatment is necessary to alter the cellular structure of the biomass at hand.  Specifically, lignin presents a significant stumbling-block to the fermentation of cellulosic material. Pretreatment procedures are primarily aimed at breaking down lignin.  The challenge of stripping lignin from lignin bound cellulosic plant matter is the primary complexity that must be overcome prior to the direct conversion of cellulose to ethanol. In conclusion, Discovery’s JV pilot project intends to overcome these challenges and establish a new industry standard for the pre-treatment process of Hemp in Bio-Fuel production.

About Syngar and PLUSWave:

The Company is a private Canadian company based in Edmonton, Alberta. Syngar licensed a technology, which we call “Pulsed Low Ultra Sound Wave” (PLUSWave) Technology. The PLUS Wave TM license is a worldwide and exclusive for application in biofuels. The PLUSWave Technology uses specific and proprietary ultrasound frequencies, at specific power levels, over set time intervals to stimulate the fermentation growth of algae, bacteria, fungus or yeast microorganisms by upwards of 30 – 50%.

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