6.1-Megawatt Solar Energy Plant Certified for Financing in Tucson, Arizona
Phoenix, Arizona
The Board of Directors of the North American Development Bank (NADB) and the Border Environment Cooperation Commission (BECC) approved certification and financing for a 6.1-megawatt (MW) solar energy plant to provide electricity to Tucson Electric Power Company (TEP) in Tucson, Arizona.
A US$13.15 million loan for the construction of the new plant has been approved for AstroSol Tech Park AZ LLC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of AstroSol Inc., a joint venture between solar panel manufacturer Astronergy Solar, Inc. and solar project developer Solmotion GmbH, Germany. The project is managed by vis solis LLC, TN, the US subsidiary of Solmotion.
The electricity generated by the new plant will be purchased by TEP, and will primarily be used to serve the metropolitan area of Tucson. TEP serves over 400,000 customers in southern Arizona, covering the city of Tucson, and numerous towns and unincorporated areas in Pima and Santa Cruz Counties.
Tags: amorphous silicon, energy plant, Phoenix, photovoltaic, photovoltaic energy, renewable portfolio standard, renewable portfolio standards, renewable resources, solar panel, solar photovoltaic, solar photovoltaic energy, solar project, solar technologies, Tucson Electric Power, U.S. Southwest, US
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