Beautiful Earth Starts Construction of Two Utility Scale Solar Generation Facilities
Beautiful Earth Group (Beautiful Earth) has began construction this week on its Del Sur Solar power plant in California’s Antelope Valley. Del Sur Solar comprises two utility-scale solar generation facilities. Each 19MW photovoltaic (PV) plant is expected to generate more than 16GWh of electricity per year, enough energy to power over 10,000 homes.
The project is located on just over 187 acres.
In keeping with the company’s siting criteria, Del Sur Solar is located on previously disturbed agricultural land, significantly reducing potential impacts to the environment. The site is immediately adjacent to a Southern California Edison Company’s (SCE) substation, which all but eliminates the need for new transmission lines. In addition, Del Sur Solar’s power generation technology requires no water to produce power, preserving the region’s precious water resources for other important uses.
Lex Heslin, president and CEO of Beautiful Earth, said: “Beautiful Earth prides itself on leading the way as the cleanest, greenest solar power developer. Del Sur Solar represents the culmination of extensive evaluation on hundreds of potential sites in California. We were excited to purchase this prime site in a city that values environmentally sensitive businesses and in an area with one of the best solar resources in the US.”
Rex R. Parris, mayor of Lancaster, said: “The city of Lancaster welcomes Beautiful Earth as a partner in our green initiatives. We are pleased to be the site of choice for this project. Del Sur Solar brings Lancaster one step closer toward the goal of becoming the alternative energy capital of the world. We are confident this is the first of many joint projects between the city and Beautiful Earth, which will contribute to a greener city, a greener California and a greener nation.”
Power purchase agreements are being finalized, and interconnection applications have been filed with SCE and the California ISO.
Tags: alternative, alternative energy, power generation, power generation technology, power purchase agreement, power purchase agreements, purchase agreements, solar generation, solar power, solar power plant, solar resource, solar resources, SOLARTHERMAL, solarthermalmag, southern california edison, transmission line
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