Investors News.14 Components Added to Global Alternative Energy Index
One New Stock in Ardour Global Index (Extra Liquid)
The Ardour Global Alternative Energy Index(SM) (TICKER: AGIGL) will add fourteen new components, effective 6:00 PM (EST) Sunday, December 19, 2010. Three stocks will be deleted from the index, changing the number of index components to 141. The changes result from the quarterly rebalancing of the index.
The Ardour Global Index(SM) (Extra Liquid) (TICKER: AGIXL), which contains a fixed number of 30 stocks, had one addition against one deletion. Enel Green Power (TICKER: EGPW IM) will replace Fuel Systems Solutions (TICKER: FSYS US).
Additions to AGIGL are: Active Power Inc (TICKER: ACPW US); Valence Technology Inc (TICKER: VLNC US); Sino Clean Energy (TICKER: SCEI US); Leaf Clean Energy (TICKER: LEAF LN); Amyris Biotechnologies (TICKER: AMRS US); Elster Group SE (TICKER: ELT US); Enel Green Power (TICKER: EGPW IM); Terna Energy (TICKER: TENERGY GA); Xingjiang Goldwind Sciences & Technology Co Ltd (TICKER: 2208 HK); Daqo New Energy (TICKER: DQ US); Everlight Electronics (TICKER: 2393 TT); Smart Heat (TICKER: HEAT US); China Ming Yang Wind Power (TICKER: MY US); China Recycling Energy Corp (TICKER: CREG US).
Deletions to AGIGL are: Capstone Turbine Corp (TICKER: CPST US); Conergy AG (TICKER: CGY GR); and Hansen Transmissions International (TICKER: HSN LN).
A complete list of constituents and weights will be posted on the AGI family of alternative energy indexes website ( as of the effective date.
The Ardour Global Alternative Energy Index(SM) is a capitalization-weighted, float-adjusted index of the most prominent alternative energy stocks in the world. To be included in the AGIGL index, companies must be pure-play and the stocks must pass multiple screens, including for capitalization, float, exchange listing, share price and turnover.
Detailed index information, including constituent data, rules and price information, is available at Data is also available through most vendors of financial data.
Joseph LaCorte
Tags: alternative energy, alternative energy stocks, ardour global index, clean energy, Companies, energy corp, energy index, hansen transmissions, index components, investors, nation, Smart, SOLARTHERMAL, solarthermalmag, System, Technology, wind power, xingjiang
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