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Energy Efficiency and Renewable Power Feasibility Studies Among List of 120 Completed Technical Projects

Energy Efficiency and Renewable Power Feasibility Studies Among List of 120 Completed Technical ProjectsDOE Completes Nearly 120 Technical Assistance Projects to Support Federal Agencies’ Clean Energy Goals

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) today announced that it has completed nearly 120 technical assistance projects at 16 federal agencies, helping the federal government to meet its energy efficiency and renewable energy goals and implement leading-edge clean energy technologies. More than $13 million in funding through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act has been invested in projects such as energy audit trainings, energy and water efficiency assessments, smart grid and renewable energy feasibility studies, evaluating potential electricity generation resources, developing strategic energy plans, and providing technical assistance for renewable energy installations, technology demonstration projects and high efficiency building upgrades.

DOE’s Federal Energy Management Program brought together a team of energy experts from the National Laboratories and industry partners to visit over 100 federal sites across the country. The site visits looked at a wide range of potential technologies including solar and wind power, steam heating and cooling, biomass, waste energy, heat pumps, the smart grid, and smart ambient lighting.

As a result of these technical assistance projects, federal agencies now have the knowledge and facts to make informed, cost-effective choices about additional clean energy investments and energy management practices in their facilities that will help save taxpayers money, reduce carbon pollution, and improve America’s energy security.

The Department will continue to monitor each agency’s progress in implementing these projects and will be able to analyze actual energy and dollar savings that came about as a result of this technical assistance.

The federal government, as the nation’s largest energy consumer, has a tremendous opportunity and responsibility to lead by example. DOE’s Federal Energy Management Program supports the Obama Administration’s commitment to implementing clean energy technologies across the federal government by guiding agencies to use funding more effectively in meeting federal and agency-specific energy management objectives and goals. To learn more about the Federal Energy Management Program visit the program’s Web site.

Energy Efficiency and Renewable Power Feasibility Studies Among List of 120 Completed Technical Projects Tags: ambient lighting, carbon pollution, clean energy goals, clean energy investment, clean energy investments, clean energy technologies, Electric, electricity, electricity generation, energy efficiency, energy efficiency and renewable energy, energy experts, energy management, energy management program, energy plans, energy project, energy projects, energy reduction, energy security, feasibility studies, federal energy management, generation resources, high efficiency, national laboratories, renewable energy, renewable energy installation, renewable energy installations, renewable power, renewalble energy study, SOLARTHERMAL, technical assistance projects, technology demonstration projects, water efficiency

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